
Larsen's Blog: Britains Got Talent - It gave me chills#links#links#links

Larsen's Blog: Britains Got Talent - It gave me chills#links#links#links

Here's a link to me doing one of my favorite hobbies. I'm quite good at it too. Traveled to Cardiff for the audition but it was well worth the journey, as I think I made quite the impression on Mr. Cowell. I know people say opera is for burkes or pansies but take a look at the reaction of the the middle judge and I think you'll hold my ilk in higher esteem. Still working on my confidence though, as what they neglected to show was me at the Sword and Chalice quaffing a few pints to get my nerve up. I took a bit of stick from me mates when I went to the show but now it's all "Corr Blimey! I didn't know you had that kind of mettle!"


Bullfeathers__The only Bull that's chinastore approved.

1 comment:

CaptainStacks "King of Cash" said...

That is you singing,wow. You kind of have that special Ed look im impressed that you are this intelligent. Thought you were like Rainman,the whole genious retard thing. You had that hottie moist in the muffin, if you could grow a handlebar mustache it would look great on a opera guy.